Mobile/DTH Recharge Plan

This plan is alternatively called as DTH plan. It is very recent plan in network marketing business but gain popularity with in short time.
Initially, the MLM industry used to revolve around adding members, selling a product or service and earning commission from this work. However, this whole process remained with a bit of risk. Particularly for people with no or small funds, it was difficult to make good money from multi-level marketing. To eliminate this thread and to allow everyone to be a part of this thriving business, some new concepts are introduced in MLM. One of those concepts is Mobile Recharge MLM Plan.
How it works
MLM recharge plan software, as the name suggests, works in simple mobile or DTH recharging or bill payment. Members are required to recharge other people’s mobile phones or DTH, and they get commission as per their work. Apparently, there is no risk involved and members can make more money by working harder.
Managing this plan is also easier for the MLM companies as they do not have to manage any special schemes or formula, but just have to look for how their members are working. With this software the company or organization keep tracks of recharge history and maintain some work log. Based on which member commission is calculated.